Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wow! That worked better than expected.

I lost 6.2lbs this week. After doing this for over a year I have to say I'm shocked I can still have such a big loss. I guess having gained for the last month I shouldn't be shocked. I am thrilled though. That puts me at 102lbs  lost. YAY!! It also means I am officially turning back that counter and forgetting the last 100 and starting from 2lbs. If anyone asks that's what I've lost 2lbs. :) I'm proud of my accomplishment but I don't really feel the need to advertise that i was once 100lbs heavier. That's just embarrassing. Especially when I'm still way over 200lbs and I have fat everywhere. I feel pretty awesome though. I've upped my weights a little at the gym and my core has a fairly pleasant tightening ache. I feel stronger. Muscles are my fat burning friends. I don't get these people that go to the gym and lift 20lbs. I don't want to be all muscular and bulky but I do want to build enough muscle to help burn the fat and make my body look toned. It's tightening up and people notice the difference better than they ever did with just weight loss. I have more energy and I feel great. I lift 50lbs for arms and chest and 80 to 170lbs for legs, back and core. I don't have any bulging muscles from that but i do have some definition which is nice. If anything does get bulky I'll just lower my weights. After all muscles are easy to lose. This weekend and next are cheat weekends so we'll see how I do. I really want to lose 10 more pounds by my family reunion next month. (especially because I will probably put 10lbs on while I'm there) Wish me luck!

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