Thursday, August 30, 2012

It's hard to believe but after almost 6 months of getting on the scale every Wednesday I actually forgot to weigh in yesterday. So this week weigh in day is today.  I spent most of last week sick and as a result sleeping more than anything. I also missed my last two zumba classes. I really didn't know what to expect and I was pleased to see that I had lost another 2.8lbs making my total 48lbs lost! I'm getting to the point where people are starting to ask me 'how much weight have you lost' and I'm thinking that question is going to become embarrassing to answer. Not that I'm not proud of what I'm accomplishing but I'm not looking to shout 'hey guess what i used to be 50lbs more than I am now and yeah I'm still fat'. When that total is 100lbs and I'm still really heavy it's not going to feel good to admit I was that big. Mind you it's not as embarrassing as being as big as I was I just don't think I want to make a big deal about it. Maybe I'll start down playing my numbers. So when i reach my goal of 120lbs I can just smile and say 'oh yeah I lost 35lbs all together.   :-)  I see these people on Yahoo lately who lost 102lbs or 170lbs and I think I never want to be that person. I'd like to just quietly take off 215lbs shhhhh don't tell anyone. It will be our secret and if I can do it slowly enough maybe no one will notice. So far it's working. lol. That's not entirely true. Recently, people have begun to notice and make comments about how good I look and that does make me feel good but I just think as far as anyone needs to know we can keep my numbers small.

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