Wednesday, May 21, 2014

What is it with me and burritos?

Lately, I have been eating burritos way too often. Moe's, Taco bell, Chipotle, It doesn't matter where I seem to be obsessed. Then of course all that sodium gets me craving sweets. I just give in to it all. Not even trying to stop myself anymore. Today's weigh in showed a gain of 8 oz. Not as bad as it's been but still gaining. I need to figure something out. I just don't know what. Life is stressful at the moment. I'm not about to add to it by worrying myself about it. Until next time... Be Well.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

When is it time to throw in the towel?

I'm feeling like total failure today. I gained 3.8lbs which leads me to believe I should change the name of this blog. I gave up on my gray dress pants this week because they are just too tight. I skipped Zumba on Monday. I feel like crap. It's getting difficult to breath again and I'm uncomfortable in my own skin. I realize all these things and in my head I think why would anyone let this happen to themselves but I still don't stop. I can't seem to make myself care. I miss those mornings when I would wake up and feel the difference. Feel more energy and just smaller. It made me happy and I am not happy now. How do I get myself to make better choices? How do I stop this insanity? How do I make myself care that I'm killing myself with this behavior? I don't know. Here's hoping this is the week I figure it out. Until next time. Be well.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Challenge may be just what I need.

I've been eating pretty much whatever I want. I haven't even tried to curb what I eat. I've been eating fast food and ice cream. It's all bad. I have been taking the squat challenge which I'm not sure if I mentioned before but as of today I'm up to 135. I lost 1.6lbs this week. If I listed all the terrible things I've eaten in the last week you would know how amazing that is. I have to give credit to the squats since it's the only change. It's helping my pants fit better too although I really need to get moving or I will not fit in them long. I'm going to complete this challenge and not stress over the eating just now. I'll see how things go next week. Until then be well.